BALONARSKI KLUB BERTA Balonarski klub Berta Bertalanic
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bertalanic Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 14.06. 2011, 10:33 Prispevkov: 155
Objavljeno: 26 Avg 2013 18:29 Naslov sporočila: Znebiti "Program se ne odziva" pozivi v operacijsk |
Znebiti "Program se ne odziva" pozivi v operacijskem sistemu Windows
Stop Program Not Responding Prompts In Windows Using Registry Editor
1. Press Windows Key + R and put regedit in Run dialog box to open Registry Editor (if you’re not familiar with Registry Editor, then click here). Click OK.
2. Navigate here:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
3. In the right pane of this location, create a new string using Right click -> New -> String Value. Name this newly created string as HungAppTimeout. Double click on the string so created to modify it:
4. In the above shown box, put the Value data equals to 5000. Click OK. Please note that the Value data is the time period in milliseconds, which is also the threshold value. Till this time, no error prompt is shown up and we hope that the program can recover itself in this time interval. However, if the program is unable to manage recovery and if the threshold time exceeds, you’ll will see the program not responding error, chances of which are practically low. You may close the Registry Editor now and reboot to avail results. |
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Pridružen/-a: 13.12. 2014, 05:32 Prispevkov: 1
Objavljeno: 13 Dec 2014 05:36 Naslov sporočila: nice |
V PCman je brezplačna Virus Scanner testiranje
virus skener preskusni nizNe da kaj je škodljiva, vendar je vedno nekdo tam iščejo brezplačno vožnjo uničil stvari za druge. Torej preberite to odpoved, preden boste nadaljevali prenesti test niz. Potem, če ga razumete in se strinjate z njo gredo naprej in poskusite prenesti EICAR Virus Testni String datotek. _________________ Nawaz |
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